0121 456 7800

Cloud-based vs On-premise Body Camera Solutions
With a range of solutions available regarding the storage and transfer of captured bodycam footage, it can often cause confusion with regards to addressing security concerns and the practicality of storing video data.
When considering a cloud-based body camera system, you need to consider that your footage is not stored on-site. The data transferred from the body cameras will essentially be transferred to and held on a server in another location. Many of these cloud-storage solutions are secured but do not offer the amount of control that certain organisations or operations require.
Standalone or on-premise body camera systems allow the user to be in complete control of the data transfer and storage; all the footage will be stored on-site, often within an existing IT infrastructure designed to handle the information. Organisations controlling sensitive information and footage should already have a secure storage system in place for the processing of such data. On the other hand, cloud-based implementations can be rolled-out without the need for additional IT infrastructure/local storage space.
Storing footage on-site not only allows the administrator to remain responsible for the handling of data but also allows the user to control costs effectively. Cloud-based systems more often than not involve recurring fees, with tariffs likely to go up depending on usage. This can mean that cloud-based systems can end up being more expensive, however, do tend to offer more flexibility in that footage can be accessed via the web from any location.
Companies controlling footage should also have in place a policy that defines the length of time stored footage can be held for. After the set period of time, any footage that is not used towards aiding a prosecution or within other legal processes should be deleted. This can be achieved with both an on-premise and with a cloud-based solution.
Body Camera software products, like the Hytera SmartMDM IDS software, allows administrators to automatically purge unused or unneeded footage. This not only means that data controllers can be sure to comply with regulations but also cuts down on the amount of storage capacity required.
When implemented correctly, cloud-based body camera systems provide a fully secure, flexible and scalable solution. Hytera offers both a wide-area PTT solution via PoC with HyTalk, as well as a completely cloud-based evidence upload and management solution with Smart DEMS. Both offer complete cloud-access and minimal fuss required in setup!
Looking to implement a secure body camera solution but have concerns relating to the handling of data and storage processes? Call on 0121 456 7800 or get in touch with a body camera specialist for more information on our products and services.